Painting in Oil or Acrylic

Adult Class | This program is completed

28795 Lake Road Bay Village, OH 44140 United States
Fuller Studio Upstairs
5:30 PM-8:30 PM EDT on Mon

Painting in Oil or Acrylic

Adult Class | This program is completed

Learn how to paint like the Old Masters. This course is designed for students who are interested in learning different painting techniques from the Renaissance Era. You will learn how to prime and tone a canvas, together with glazing techniques, multiple layers, and the importance of moving color around the painting with a limited color palette. You will also learn chiaroscuro, which was one of the favorite painting techniques of many Renaissance painters. The painting mediums are optional. You can choose to paint with  oil or acrylic, whichever medium you're comfortable with. Keep in mind that both mediums behave differently, and the outcome will be noticeably different.                                                                                                        

  • Oil Paint List of required materials to bring to class:

    Student Grade Winsor Newton Winton Oil or (Artist Grade) if you prefer better quality
    Burnt Umber
    Ultramarine Blue
    Alizarin Crimson
    Cadmium Red
    Cadmium Orange
    Lemon Yellow
    Titanium White
    Zinc White
     Linseed Oil
    One size 8 Filbert Brush
    One size 4 Filbert Brush
    One size 2 any type of brush
    Two 16 x 20 Gesso Primed Canvas
    One Palette Paper
    One artist blue tape
  • Acrylic Paint List of required materials to bring to class:

    Golden Paint, or cheaper type of paint that has similar colors
    Burnt Sienna
    Cyan Primaire
    Quinacridone Red
    C.P. Cadmium Red Medium
    Vat Orange
    C.P. Cadmium Yellow Light
    Titanium White
    Zinc White
    Golden Retarder
    One size 8 Filbert Brush
    One size 4 Filbert Brush
    One size 2 any type of brush
    Two 16 x 20 Gesso Primed Canvas
    One Palette Paper
    One Artist Blue Tape
Erjon Hajnaj