Art Clay Silver Weekend
Winter Workshop | Available
Learn the basics of how to work with your own fine silver precious metal clay. Emphasis will be on making lentil beads, setting CZs, finishing techniques plus kiln and/or torch firing.
Please bring $15 in cash to the instructor to cover additional items like fireable czs, cool slip spray, badger balm other pmc products, textures, cutters. which will be provided in class.
- 25+gram pack of Art Clay silver
Ultra fine black Sharpie
N95 dust mask
An apron (optional) secured hair and closed toes shoes.
Dori McClennen
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Education from the University of Pennsylvania and was a middle school teacher in Philadelphia before my children were born. Now as a second career, I'm teaching Beginning Jewelry at the CAC and occasional workshops at Blue Santa Beads. I enjoy taking Interweave classes from teachers around the country in my spare time and I've also dabbled in oil painting, watercolors, and pottery.