"March Medley"

"March Medley"

Spring Workshop | Available

414 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, PA 19086 United States
Duke Gallery
Intermediate & Advanced
9:30 AM-3:00 PM EST on Tue Wed Th
Member Discount Available

"March Medley"

Spring Workshop | Available

There will be several projects in watercolor, including painting a wave and a tossed field using Nita Engle's technique. Board provided.  

  • Please bring the usual watercolor materials including tube paint only, colors: Winsor Red, Winsor yellow, brown madder, Paynes Gray, cobalt blue, ultra marine, antwerp blue, cerulean blue and cadmium scarlet
    and watercolor paper, only 140lb cold press 100.
    Please bring one stretched sheet of Arches, at least a 1/4 sheet - 11x15 or 1/2 of sheet.
    12oz Windex pump/bottle if possible
    Pebeo masking fluid. 

    Beginners should contact instructor for a complete list of materials:  janebmiluski@verizon.net