Pink Triangle Legacies: Holocaust Memories and Modern Gay Identity

1 Session | This program is completed

Online, State College, PA 16802 United States
10/25/2022 (one day)
11:00 AM-12:30 PM EDT on Tue

Pink Triangle Legacies: Holocaust Memories and Modern Gay Identity

1 Session | This program is completed

LGBTQ+ communities have long been regarded as one of the “forgotten victims” of the Nazi regime. Yet, were they truly forgotten? Dr. Jake Newsome reveals how societies purposefully silenced LGBTQ+ Holocaust victims for decades. Ignored by the historical profession, LGBTQ+ communities set out to write their own history and transformed the pink triangle—the badge forced upon gay concentration camp prisoners—into a global symbol of social activism and positive identity. This course explores the dangers of ignoring the past and the power of history to heal and empower communities.

Instructor: Dr. Jake Newsome is an award-winning scholar of German and American LGBTQ+ history whose research and resources educate the global audiences. His book, Pink Triangle Legacies: Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust, will be published by Cornell University Press in September 2022. In addition to serving as a historical advisor for film projects, podcasts, and plays, Dr. Newsome has been invited by the French, UK, and U.S. governments to speak about the important lessons that LGBTQ+ history has for all of us today. He now works as a museum professional in Washington, D.C.