Electric Cars: Back to the Future

1 Session | This program is completed

Online, State College, PA 16802 United States
5/24/2022 (one day)
7:00 PM-8:00 PM EST on Tue

Electric Cars: Back to the Future

1 Session | This program is completed

Have you been thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle? Many car manufacturers are adding an electric car or a hybrid to their line-ups. Troy has made that leap into the future and will share important aspects to consider such as: when/how to charge your car, what the associated cost comparisons are between gas and electric-powered cars, and how it feels to drive an electric car (e.g., accelerating and braking).

Troy Frank has worked in the IT field but has been reading up on all facets of electric vehicles for about six years. He became an EV owner in May 2018.