In his legendary career as a director, Alfred Hitchcock created dense, suspenseful films filled with flawed heroes, charming villains, and moral ambiguity. In this four-week online course, we’ll consider some of Hitchcock’s best films, focusing on two each week. Students should watch the movies independently; we’ll look at film clips and discuss key themes in class. Whether you’ve enjoyed Hitchcock films for many years or just discovered them, this is a chance to go deeper into the mind of a brilliant, complicated man and the surprising, confounding, entertaining world he created on film. This course is hosted by OLLI at Colorado State University.
Participants are encouraged (but not required) to watch the following films before each class session. Most films are available to stream through Amazon Prime Video. You do not need to be a prime member or subscriber.
Week 1: Shadow of a Doubt and Strangers on a Train
Week 2: The 39 Steps and North by Northwest
Week 3: Notorious and Marnie
Week 4: Psycho
Instructor: Jay Sherwin is a writer and consultant who has been watching, studying, and enjoying Hitchcock films for decades. He created a walking tour of Alfred Hitchcock’s San Francisco home that attracts fans worldwide, and he loves sharing his Hitchcock obsession with fellow film lovers everywhere.
Course dates are September 19, 26, October 3, 10.