Let's Make Centre County a True "Blue Zone"

1 Session | This program is completed

Penn State Outreach Building, 100 Innovation Blvd., University Park, PA 16802 United States
rooms 121 G&H
4/16/2024 (one day)
1:30 PM-3:00 PM EDT on Tue

Let's Make Centre County a True "Blue Zone"

1 Session | This program is completed

Analysis of demographic data and interviews of numerous centenarians have shown that there are hotspots in the world where many people live to be over 100 years of age. These regions have been dubbed “Blue Zones.” But longevity is not the only issue. The people in these Blue Zones do live longer, but they also enjoy a happy and high-quality life not related to assets or finances. Most of us know the things written about successful aging, vitality, etc., but do we put them into practice? This course will help participants explore what lifestyle habits can make Centre County a true "Blue Zone."

Instructor: Dr. Kathy Maxwell is a certified health education specialist and former health care provider. Prior to retirement, she taught wellness courses at Penn State, including stress management, emotional intelligence, health education, and strategies for resisting disease. Dr. Maxwell holds graduate degrees in nursing and health education and a doctorate in adult education.