Can We Stop Climate Change?
3 or 4 Sessions | This program is completed
Concerned about climate change? This course will help you learn more about it; become more effective in communicating with friends, family, and community; and take action to mitigate the impacts on our planet, our communities, and ourselves. Learn about and discuss the problems, basic science, and equity issues related to climate change; a powerful simulation tool that shows the positive impacts of many different actions; the wide range of available solutions; and how you can effectively communicate with others and join together to promote action in your community.
Instructors: Tom Rawson is a retired 7th- and 8th-grade science teacher who lives near Boston. He leads climate change courses, works on climate change education with the Massachusetts Audubon Society, is an En-ROADS Climate Ambassador, and is a leader in Third Act Massachusetts. His environmental interest began with work on campus for the first Earth Day in 1970; his interest in climate change grew 12 years ago when he started teaching it. Before becoming a teacher, Tom ran his own software business for many years. He spends his free time doing carpentry, bicycle riding, and hiking. He has a B.A. from Swarthmore College, an M.S. from the University of Washington, and an M.Ed. from UMass Boston.
Renee Purdy retired in 2023 from a more than 30-year career in public service. Most recently, she was the executive director of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, part of CalEPA, where she was responsible for surface water and groundwater protection in a large part of Southern California. Prior to California, she worked in Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Virginia. She has held roles as a researcher, consultant, policymaker, and regulator. She has a B.S. from the College of William and Mary and an M.R.P. from UNC Chapel Hill.
Course dates are Fridays, January 31, February 7, 14, and 21.