Dickens, Poe, and the International Copyright Battle
1 Session | Registration opens 3/3/25 8:00 AM EST
Charles Dickens and Edgar Allen Poe met in 1842 during Dickens’s first tour of the United States. They commiserated over their mutual dissatisfaction with the lack of international copyright, and they each left a deep impression on the other. In reading selections of both authors’ works, explore the literary influences and avian exchanges between them.
Instructor: Mary Ann Tobin assists Penn State faculty, graduate assistants, instructional designers, and administrators in developing curriculum, instruction, assessments, and policies that reduce barriers to student learning. She also writes and speaks about the works of Charles Dickens, other 19th-century British authors, and neo-Victorian pop culture, and teaches English composition and literature courses. Her publications include articles and book chapters in The Dickensian; Teaching Comics and Graphic Novels: Essays on Theory, Strategy, and Practice; and Certified Medical Assistant Today.