Milton Hershey: The Man Behind the Candy Bar

Course | Registration opens 8/12/2024 8:00 AM EDT

Penn State York, 1031 Edgecomb Avenue York, PA 17403-3398 United States

Main Classroom Bldg, Conference Center, 31 B and C

Members and nonmembers

9/18/2024 (one day)

11:00 AM-12:30 PM EDT on Wed



What is your earliest memory of tasting a Hershey’s chocolate bar? When people hear the name Milton Hershey their thoughts usually go to that wonderful candy bar. But that candy bar, although important, was only one part of Milton’s life and his incredible story. In this course, Craig will share with you the story of his hometown and the man behind it. You will see how Milton’s childhood influenced him later in life, the setbacks he had to overcome in his early business endeavors, the story behind his decision to make the chocolate bar, and the extraordinary story behind the town he created.


Craig Porterfield grew up in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and is a graduate of Messiah College. For a number of years, he was a historical conductor at Hershey Trolley Works, where he combined his passions of history and storytelling to introduce people to his hometown and the inspiring account of the man who built it, Milton Hershey.