Changing the Narrative

Course | Registration opens 8/12/2024 8:00 AM EDT

Penn State York, 1031 Edgecomb Avenue York, PA 17403-3398 United States

Main Classroom Bldg, Conference Center, 31 B and C

Members and nonmembers

10/21/2024 (one day)

1:00 PM-2:30 PM EDT on Mon



Changing The Narrative is more than a story of one person’s life, it provides a framework for others to follow and develop their own narrative based on strengths, future planning, and financial literacy. The class contains six modules specifically created to increase research-driven protective factors against future criminogenic behavior, including: support and connectedness to community and pro-social peers, 
strong family support, non-violent problem skills, connection and commitment to school, and connection to a caring adult.


As a motivational speaker, Tavon uses his gift to mentor others through his Change University, where he provides group mentorship along with one-on-one mentorship for both adults and students. Creating a safe space for others to share their challenges and being able to help them overcome those is one of the most important things that Tavon does in his role as a speaker. Tavon has presented to various organizations across Pennsylvania, ranging from nonprofits to schools to small and large organizations. He has presented on various topics at different company events.