VDC: What's Cooking

Course | Registration opens 8/12/2024 8:00 AM EDT

Penn State York, 1031 Edgecomb Avenue York, PA 17403-3398 United States

Main Classroom Bldg, Conference Center, 31 B and C

Members and nonmembers

11/25/2024 (one day)

1:00 PM-3:30 PM EDT on Mon



On Thanksgiving Day, four ethnically diverse families -- Vietnamese, Latino, Jewish, and African American — gather for the traditional meal. Each family has its own distinct way of cooking the traditional holiday meal and its own set of problems. This 2000 comedy/drama stars Kyra Sedgewick, Mercedes Ruehl, Julianne Margolies and Alfre Woodard. Join Bob Anderson to view and discuss this holiday film.

Robert Anderson has been a Christian minister for fifty years. He also enjoys traveling and has been to more than one hundred countries. He has led courses on many topics, including many of his travel adventures. He enjoys sharing the challenge of learning with others.