National Parks and Monuments of Colorado, Travelogue
Course | Available
Come explore the National Parks and Monuments of Colorado. You’ll find everything here from ancient ruins to stunning scenery ranging from snowy mountains and river gorges to rocky canyons and golden sand dunes. Whether you want to go hiking, kayaking, sandboarding, stargazing, or wildlife spotting, the Centennial State is the ultimate American adventure.
This course is a Travelogue, a lecture about the places visited and experiences encountered by the instructor. It is not an in-depth lecture about the site’s history, architecture, government, etc.
Colleen Dzwonczyk
Colleen Coddington Dzwonczyk is a retired Guidance Counselor from Susquehannock High School. She grew up in the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, and experienced the devastating effects of the underground mine fire firsthand. Her father was the former mayor of the town and owned a service station on the main street in town. Her family evacuated from Centralia in 1981.