ZOOM - The Nation's Inland Waterways System: A Bounty of Beneficiaries
Course | Available
Very few understand the importance of our nation's inland waterways system, to the economy and geopolitics; to American farmers, energy producers/providers, and manufacturers/constructors; to the supply chain; and to our environment and our quality of life. The inland waterways move sixty-five percent of U.S. grain for export, add 540,000 jobs to the workforce, massively reduce traffic congestion on our roads/rails, and offer the most environmentally sound way to move critical commodities the U.S. and the world depend upon. This course will shed light on the necessity of this system.
Deb Calhoun
Deb Calhoun is Senior Vice President at Waterways Council, Inc., the national public policy organization based in Washington, D.C., that advocates for modern, reliable lock and dam infrastructure on our inland waterways system. Ms. Calhoun has been involved in the advocacy of the nation's inland waterways system for more than thirty years, and in communications/public affairs for her entire career (which included for the aerospace and telecommunications industries, as well as president of her own maritime consultancy firm). She is from York, Pennsylvania and now resides in Paducah, Kentucky.