How Atheists, Secularists, and Humanists Live Without Faith
Course | Registration opens 1/21/2025 8:00 AM EST
Atheism is the lack of belief and faith in any gods or religions due to a lack of evidence. There are no universal or consistent expectations or beliefs beyond that in the atheist/agnostic community. However, there are common, albeit variably held and understood, thoughts, philosophies, ethics, morals, and beliefs within the atheist community. Some commonly agreed ideas and philosophies include secularism, materialism, humanism, scientific method, and the Socratic method. Morality, ethics, and beliefs are commonly understood as relative, but justified by the above ideas and philosophies.
Prior reading about secularism, materialism, humanism, scientific method, and the Socratic method may be helpful but not required.
Josh CruverKibi
Josh CruverKibi, MA, BSL has been the president of the non-profit, PA Nonbelievers for seven years and is a graduate student of clinical mental health at Shippensburg University. He currently has a masters in general psychology and has written and spoken extensively on the topics of beliefs, philosophies, motivations, and cognitive differences between atheists, secularists, humanists, and theists.