Scams All Around Us: Don’t Take the Bait! (Repeat with changes)
Course | Registration opens 8/4/2025 8:00 AM EDT
Angered by scam calls invading your privacy? Disgusted with emails and texts from criminals filling your inbox or junk files? Concerned about your older family members being fleeced? Most of us are beyond annoyed with the way our lives are being bombarded by scammers, and we feel we have no control. The FTC and FBI say that it is only going to get worse! Join Mary Bach for this educational and entertaining session about many of the latest scams, the red flags, what to do, and where to complain. You are your own first line of defense. Remember, if you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam.
Mary Bach
Mary Bach is a nationally recognized independent consumer advocate, as well as a volunteer. She now chairs the AARP Consumer Issues Task Force. She has appeared on numerous local and national television programs and has been interviewed on radio talk shows and newspapers internationally. She is currently seen on The Scam Watch segments monthly on ABC 27's Good Day PA. Her YouTube videos are titled Outsmarting the Scammers with Mary Bach.