How on Earth Did Joseph Stalin's Daughter End Up in Rural Wisconsin?
Course | Registration opens 8/4/2025 8:00 AM EDT
Forty-five year old Svetlana Alliloyeva fled Russia in 1967 to take her husband's ashes to India. Here she applied for asylum in the United States; after a delay by Washington, she arrived in New York City and was greeted by the press corps. Her privacy vanished in an instant. In 1971, Mikele Stillman interviewed Svetlana on "The Farm Hour" WISC-TV (CBS), Madison. Svetlana was living in Spring Green, Wisconsin, and recently married to Wesley Peters. Her survival instincts were always on high alert. She wrote Twenty Letters to a Friend, and Portraits of Her Father's Life, a cautionary tale.
Mikele Stillman
Mikele Stillman is from Wisconsin. She hosted a daily noon-hour segment on WISC-TV (CBS) for seven years. In 1980, she was hired by the city of Madison to initiate/coordinate outdoor events such as art fairs, concerts, festivals, and races that became “public policy." Revitalizing downtown was the goal, and it worked. In retirement, she came to Pennsylvania. She has presented many living history programs for OLLI and retirement villages. Stillman is the program chair for the Hanover Area Historical Society.