Neptune's Inferno
Course | Registration opens 8/4/2025 8:00 AM EDT
For the moment, China is a strategic competitor, but they are amassing a posture politically, militarily, and economically to enter an adversarial role. They have every intention of becoming the dominate world power by dislodging the United States. If achieved, their goal WILL change your way of life. To start, the CCP is focused on Taiwan. USINDOPACOM has every intention of creating a "Hellscape" from the "sea beds to the heavens" to meet and thwart any challenge to this critically important ally in the West Pacific. What does all this mean? Attend this class to find out.
Brian Broberg
Brian Broberg earned a degree in engineering from the US Naval Academy. He received his commission in the United States Marine Corps, served five years in the Fleet Marine Force in various command billets, and earned the rank of Captain. After 32 years in business, he is retiring in 2026 to start a full-time career as a writer and will publish his first book that year, even though Charlie Hoffman doesn't believe him.