Easel: this should be a portable, collapsable travel easle.
Canvas boards: (1) 9x12"; (1) 12 x 16"; (1) 11x14; (1) 16x20"
-1 quart of gesso (optional*)
-An assortment of brushes: bristle and sable, 6-8 brushes ranging in size from 3" down to .001. Assorted flats
and rounds, NO Fan Brushes.
-14x17” Palette: Disposable Paper palette
Your palette MUST have a flat surface
-Two palette knives (no plastic ones and each knife must have a beveled stem)
-Water Mixable (Soluble) Oil Color recommended brand: Artisan.
Other brands: Holbein, Van Gogh, Cobra, or Maxx by Grumbacher.
If you have traditional oil paints, you may use those however, organic solvents should replace the harsh solvents, ie: no turpentines may be used, use a citrus based cleaner instead.)
NOTE: water soluble oil paints can not be mixed with regular oil-based paints.
Check the paint tube carefully and be certain you
buy and use only one type of material!
Colours: 1.25 fl. oz tubes unless otherwise noted
-Two (2) tubes of mixed white (titanium + zinc)
-Ultramarine Blue
-Indian Red
-Yellow Ochre
-Phthalo Green (or Veridian)
-Burnt Sienna
-Burnt Umber
-Cerulean Blue
-Cadmium Red
-Cadmium Yellow
-Alizarin Crimson
-water mixable painting glaze medium 2.5 fl. Oz (royal talens, Cobra Brand)
-A color wheel
-Loew Cornell storage + medium cups
-soft vine charcoal (small package)
32oz Water container, Paper towels