Plein-Air Painting with Tom Germano | Saturday 4/5 11am-3pm | Spring 2025

Plein-Air Painting with Tom Germano | Saturday 4/5 11am-3pm | Spring 2025

Workshops | Available

30 Centershore Road Centerport, NY 11721 United States
This is the meetup point
All Levels
4/5/2025 (one day)
11:00 AM-3:00 PM EDT on Sat
105.00 USD
Member Discount Available

Plein-Air Painting with Tom Germano | Saturday 4/5 11am-3pm | Spring 2025

Workshops | Available

The Plein-air painting workshop introduces the student/participant to the act of creating landscape painting in the landscape-a process of direct observation painting. Plein air painting is different from the studio practice due to only the essential portable materials brought into the landscape to faithfully observe, translate and record what is before the artist standing before the motif. This is a hands-on studio workshop. The teacher will demonstrate each subject and paint alongside the students who will create an individual works with direction and guidance throughout the process. Participants with a variety of painting skills and creative experience are welcome, from the beginner to the advanced artist. The instructor will guide the student from laying out the palette, to setting up the composition, establishing the planes, blocking out the shadows, and recording an individual landscape painting. This workshop meets on location.

  • Easel: this should be a portable, collapsable travel easle.

    Canvas boards: (1) 9x12"; (1) 12 x 16"; (1) 11x14; (1) 16x20"

    -1 quart of gesso (optional*)

    -An assortment of brushes: bristle and sable, 6-8 brushes ranging in size from 3" down to .001. Assorted flats

    and rounds, NO Fan Brushes.

    -14x17” Palette: Disposable Paper palette

    Your palette MUST have a flat surface

    -Two palette knives (no plastic ones and each knife must have a beveled stem)

    -Water Mixable (Soluble) Oil Color recommended brand: Artisan. 

    Other brands: Holbein, Van Gogh, Cobra, or Maxx by Grumbacher.

    If you have traditional oil paints, you may use those however, organic solvents should replace the harsh solvents, ie: no turpentines may be used, use a citrus based cleaner instead.)

    NOTE: water soluble oil paints can not be mixed with regular oil-based paints.

    Check the paint tube carefully and be certain you

    buy and use only one type of material!


    Colours: 1.25 fl. oz tubes unless otherwise noted

    -Two (2) tubes of mixed white (titanium + zinc)

    -Ultramarine Blue 

    -Indian Red

    -Yellow Ochre 

    -Phthalo Green (or Veridian)

    -Burnt Sienna 

    -Burnt Umber

    -Cerulean Blue 

    -Cadmium Red

    -Cadmium Yellow 

    -Alizarin Crimson


    -water mixable painting glaze medium 2.5 fl. Oz (royal talens, Cobra Brand) 

    -A color wheel

    -Loew Cornell storage + medium cups

    -soft vine charcoal (small package) 

    32oz Water container, Paper towels

Thomas Germano