Traditional Persian Calligraphy

Traditional Persian Calligraphy

Adult | Available

286 Whisconier Rd, PO Box 122 Brookfield, CT 06804 United States

River Room

All Levels

Saturday, July 20, 2024-Sunday, July 21, 2024

10:00 AM-2:30 PM on Sun Sat


Member Discount Available

Typically, Persian painting has focused on the depiction of patterns combined with Arabic calligraphy, an artistic practice of handwriting, using layers of ink and watercolor with both brush and pens.

Alibaba will structure the classes for the absolute beginner, however all levels are welcome. Students will learn to use the pens, inks and watercolors in the manner and style of the Turquoise Mountain Association in Afghanistan where Ali Baba taught for over 20 years.

This workshop 
will be an introduction to calligraphy for some and further practice for others all levels are welcome.  Students will learn about calligraphy tools, be shown examples of calligraphy, experience a demonstration and practice of writing a poem using traditional materials.

The two-day will be building the foundational skills in Persian Calligraphy.
Students will select a subject for their composition, choose paper, colors and other working materials, and leave the workshop with finished piece.

  • There is a $4 registration fee included in tuition.

    Members will have the $4 fee deducted from the tuition.
    A $30.00 materials fee is included in the tuition.


    **Class size is limited to 7 students**

    Please note that that this class at Brookfield Craft Center must meet a minimum number of 3 registrations for the class to run. Students will be notified within a week's notice whether their class will be held. If the class is canceled due to low enrollment, students may request to be transferred to another class or be refunded in full.

Awrang, Alibaba

Alibaba Awrang, was born in Aloudal Village, Gaghoory district (Hazarajat) from Ghazni, a province in Afghanistan. He and his family were forced to flee Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover. Along with his family, he is now resettled in Connecticut where he continues his journey as an artist. Ali Baba graduated with a Master’s Degree in Calligraphy from the Iranian Calligraphic Association and is known around the world as one of the most esteemed Islamic Calligraphers alive today. His name is synonymous with quality, craftsmanship and authenticity. He has participated in exhibitions around the world and received acknowledgements at the highest levels. He is passionate about his work and teaching others to find that passion.