LinoCut Printmaking

LinoCut Printmaking

Summer Youth | Available

286 Whisconier Rd, PO Box 122 Brookfield, CT 06804 United States
River Room
Ages 12-17
Monday, June 23, 2025-Friday, June 27, 2025
9:00 AM-12:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

LinoCut Printmaking

Summer Youth | Available

During this week students will learn the basics of linocut carving and printing techniques while discussing printing in art, history and elsewhere.

Over the five days we will create several linocuts both one and two layers based on our own designs . We will then use these to print our art on canvas and paper.

  • There is a $4 registration fee included in tuition.
    Members will have the $4 deducted from tuition.

    This class is held in the River Room which is beneath the Gallery.
    There will be a set of steps to walk down.

    Please note that classes at Brookfield Craft Center must meet a minimum number of  2  registrations for the class to run. Students will be notified within a week's notice whether their class will be held. If the class is canceled due to low enrollment, students may request to be transferred to another class or be refunded in full.

Calcavecchio, Scott
Scott Calcavecchio