All Things Fiber Arts

All Things Fiber Arts

Summer Youth | Available

286 Whisconier Rd Brookfield, CT 06804 United States
Weaving Studio
Ages 11-17
Monday, August 4, 2025-Friday, August 8, 2025
1:00 PM-4:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

All Things Fiber Arts

Summer Youth | Available

This week of classes welcomes all beginners and encourages students to jump right into the medium of fiber.

We will learn some hand sewing, felting, and natural dyeing. This class is designed to give an overview of the many ways one can manipulate fiber to our benefit. We will start small, honing our motor skills and then build up to making bigger aesthetic changes through the layering of materials and addition of color.

Moving quickly through four disciplines, we will develop an understanding of embroidery, Sashiko, felting, and natural dyes. Each day will broaden our understanding of fiber as a craft. The goal is to leave the week with some technical ability but mainly the curiosity to apply this information to future projects. All students will produce a sampler that will house an example of each technique in one place.

  • There is a $4 registration fee included in tuition.
    Members will have the $4 deducted from tuition.

    This class is held in the Fiber Studio there will be a set of steps to walk down.

    Please note that classes at Brookfield Craft Center must meet a minimum number of  2  registrations for the class to run. Students will be notified within a week's notice whether their class will be held. If the class is canceled due to low enrollment, students may request to be transferred to another class or be refunded in full.

Scails, Ryan
Ryan Scails

Ryan Scails is a multidisciplinary artist whose work examines the nuances of materiality
within the built world and how intentional shifts in details can give humans context in
ways that confront the limits of their bodies. By using fiber to create hyper specific
structural relationships, his work highlights the potential in substantive engagements
between the human body and our environment. In a manner that leans heavily on the
sequential harmony of physical labor his work seeks to foreground pre-colonial
technologies by riffing on fractured schematics, glyphs, and vernacular tools to sift
through the imperial aggregate. His most recent exhibitions include RAW at Eric
Firestone Gallery (New York City, NY), To Prepare A Place For You at Temple
Contemporary (Philadelphia, PA), Martin's End at Tiger Strikes Asteroid (Philadelphia,
PA), Graphite Stew at Upper Market Gallery (San Francisco, CA). Ryan has attended
residencies at MASSMoCA, Textile Arts Center - Brooklyn, and the John Michael Kohler
Arts Center Arts/Industry program.