Science and Art

Science and Art

Class | Available

5:15 PM-6:15 PM EDT on Tue
Member Discount Available

Science and Art

Class | Available

Art and Science pair perfectly in this experiment-based class devoted to process and discovery. Create your own lava lamps, rainbow water, and more. Artists will get to play with a variety of media, exploring interactions and changes as they make their pieces. 

This is a 7-week class, running Tuesdays - 9/10 - 10/22

Arts for All: The Arts for All program at FYACS provides tuition assistance and adaptive services for its programs. Please visit for more information and to apply.

Sally Gordon

I have been experimenting with various styles oof painting since I was very young. Encouraged by my father, who was an artist himself, I kept taking art courses along my life’s journey. For the last 30 years, I have been teaching students from infants to 6th grade. I’m currently teaching 2nd, 6th, and the art elective at Temple Tigerettes Shalom in Peabody. I have a M.Ed from Lesley College (now University). I live in Melrose with my husband, Bill, and son, Jacob.