iPad Art
Class | Available
Just like with any other medium, having confidence in working digitally requires a toolbox of techniques, and ways to use them. With so many options at your fingertips, it can be difficult to know what to use, and when! We'll cover a range of digital art skills for artists of all levels of experience, with interactive demos, and students will be able to apply those skills as they develop a final piece throughout the class.
*An Apple Pencil and a compatible iPad with the ProCreate app installed are required for this class, if technology is a barrier for your child's participation in this class, please email info@fyamelrose.org, we may be able to assist*
Before registering, please review our cancellation and other policies.Arts for All: The Arts for All program at FYACS provides tuition assistance and adaptive services for its programs. Please visit https://www.fyamelrose.org/arts-for-all/ for more information and to apply.