CREDIT: Lezlie Lenz

302 - How to Start in Watercolors

Adult Class | Registration closed 9/9/2024

Beginner to Intermediate
9:30 AM-12:00 PM CDT on Mon

302 - How to Start in Watercolors

Adult Class | Registration closed 9/9/2024

Watercolor can be the easiest or most difficult medium you can use depending on what you want to paint. In this class, we will experiment with watercolor paint to create easy one-of-a-kind pieces of art. We will start out abstract and learn how to let watercolor flow with no stress, lots of relaxing washes, and strokes. If you ever wanted to start or explore painting this is the way to go.

This is an 8-week class ending on November 4. No Class on October 14.

  • Bring what ever watercolor supplies you have for the first class. Instructor will provide supplies for first class and discuss options with students.
Lezlie Lenz