201 - Photo 1 with Chicago Photography Classes
Adult Class | Registration closed 1/11/2025
This class is led by Chicago Photography Classes, LLC at TAC. To register, please click on the link provided and to register for Photo 1 at TAC.
In Photo I, you will learn about correct exposure, what makes the “right exposure” and why. You’ll discover the meaning of shutter speeds and f-stops and how to stop motion or let a “subject’s motion” blur in just the right way. You will also learn about depth of field: how much of the picture you should have in focus and how to use “out of focus” in just the right way.
In the Online Lab, you will learn the right way to organize and save your images. You will learn how to convert your color images to black & white and how to share images. The software we use to catalog and edit photographs is called Adobe Lightroom. It is an affordable program, and it is much less complicated than Photoshop.
In Photo I, you will also learn about composition for photography and ways to approach the “critique” of photographs – your own and the work of others.
Each week, you’ll get an assignment, and in each Lab, you will edit the assignments.
After completing Photo I, each student who attended all of the classes and Labs should be able to reliably photograph and share images with success and confidence.
Photo I lays the proper foundation for the more technical Photo II and Photo III classes.
If you are able to, please attend one of the Intro to Photography Classes (available In-Studio & Online) prior to beginning your Photo I class. Doing so will introduce you to the basics of camera operation and a number of shooting basics, including f-stops and shutter speed. You’ll also have a chance to meet our instructors and ask questions about your camera.
Photo 1 is led by Chicago Photography Classes, LLC at TAC. To register, please click on the link provided and Choose “January 7” from the Drop-down menu.
Please note that since registration will be though CPC, TAC Membership, Early Bird, and Front Line/ Military Discounts cannot be applied to this workshop.
- Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) or Mirrorless camera